Academic Programs

Medical Residencies Programs

Code CIP Name
1 RCA 510701 Residency in Health Care Quality
2 RCR 600205 Residency in Cardiology
3 REA 600203 Residency in Anesthesiology
4 REC 600221 Residency in General Surgery
5 REE 600299 Residency in Critical Care Medicine
6 REG 600238 Residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology
7 REM 600228 Residency in Internal Medicine
8 REN 600251 Residency in Pediatrics
9 REO 600241 Residency in Ophthalmology
10 RER 600215 Residency in Radiology and Imaging
11 REU 600234 Residency in Neurology
12 RGE 600222 Residency in Geriatrics
13 RNE 600231 Residency in Neonatology
14 RNP 600266 Residency in Pediatric Neurology
15 RPS 600255 Residency in Psychiatry
16 RUR 600263 Residency in Urology

CIP: (Classification of Instructional Programs: 2000 Edition. [Online].), NCES - U.S. Department of Education. (2002).

Medical residencies: are graduate-level programs with a clinical focus in the area of healthcare, and are recognized by the Interinstitutional Commission for the Education of Human Resources for Healthcare; in Mexico, the Ministry of Public Education (SEP) considers them to be equivalent to a master’s program.